Our first writing competition for 2013 is now closed.

We have been overwhelmed with the number of entries in each age group, so please be patient with us while we judge all the entries.

Results will be announced on this blog towards the end of the month.

Winners will also be advised by email.

Thanks to everyone who entered.

Wishing you all the very best with your writing:)



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About Dee White


  1. Jennifer Jewson says

    Some of my students are interested in completing the next writing contest (on their own time) and one of them asked me if his story could include some graphics? I know the rules said no picture books, but he had some pictures within his writing.

    Jennifer Jewson

    • Hi Jennifer,

      Thanks for your enquiry. It’s great that some of your students want to go in the next writing contest.

      Unfortunately, we can’t accept any pictures. These competitions are entirely based on ‘writing’ and we’re not able to make any judgements on illustrations.

      Also, pictures can present formatting issues, and make files very large.

      In addition to this, we are trying to encourage young writers to submit work in the same format it would be required by a publisher – that way if they decide to send their work off, they’ll know how it needs to be formatted.

      I hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any further questions.
