So, You Want to Be a Writer?
That’s great!
Dee wanted to be a writer since she was seven-years-old.
Here’s how she became one.
- She wrote and wrote … and wrote. Like anything you want to be good at, you have to keep practising and learning better ways to do things.
- She also read a LOT and constantly learns from how other authors and the techniques they use to create their stories. As a writer and with any artform, you never stop learning.
- She experiments a lot. Don’t be afraid to try new things. It’s fun to build new skills.
- She carries a notebook to write her ideas down … or writes them on her phone. Great story ideas are everywhere, and you don’t want to let them escape.
- She is in a couple of different writer’s groups, and they are amazing. It really helps to have other writers supporting and encouraging you and giving you helpful feedback on your work.
You can do this at your school or library. It could be a lunchtime group or perhaps a Saturday morning group at the local library. A maximum of 6 people is probably a good number. Larger groups can be hard to manage.
You just need a group of likeminded people who love to write and to find a place to meet regularly. You need to have people you trust to send your work to. And you can be in more than one group.
Dee is in a writer’s group that meets in person weekly and another one that meets online once a month. She is in a third group where the members are from different countries, but they already knew each other before they started the group. They meet once a month online.
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