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Jamie Brown is NOT Rich – Writing Tips and Fun With Adam Wallace

Adam Wallace profile picAdam Wallace is a very funny man who writes very funny books – and draws the pictures for them.

We’re lucky to have him visiting Writing Classes For Kids today to share his writing tips – and I’ll be talking about his hilarious new book – Jamie Brown is NOT Rich.


I am a writer. I also draw pictures from time to time, and I also take afternoon naps from time to time.

I love movies like Happy Gilmore, and TV Shows like The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and so I really wanted to do a book that was that sort of style, where someone is like a fish out of water … but not a real fish out of water, because then they would die and get eaten with chips.

So a funny, non-dying, fish out of water story! And THAT is why I wrote Jamie Brown is NOT Rich. It was also fun because I named the main character after a very cool kid I know called Jamie Brown.


Tip 1. After you write your first draft, don’t worry if you don’t like all of it. A first draft is for getting all your ideas out, and for getting a general idea of the story. Then your second (and maybe third and fourth drafts) are for getting all the bits you love and turning them into the end story.

Tip 2. After I write a story, I like to look at each scene in the story, and write out a little description and also why it is in the story. if I can’t think of a good reason for it being in the story, I change it so it fits, or cut it out.

Tip 3. Pictures are really handy. Having illustrations in a book means you don’t have to write everything down, some of it can be said in the pictures. So write it all down first, but then don’t be afraid to get rid of some of the words and use a picture to get them across.

Tip 4. It’s good to have other people read the story to see what they think. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything they think about the story, but it can really help you see if it is at the right level for the audience you’re aiming it at.

Tip 5.  YOU have to love it. If you are writing a funny story,  you have to think it’s funny. Or if it’s a scary story,  you have to think it’s scary. If you’re writing a funny story and you think it’s scary, well, I don’t know what to say about that … the point is, if you don’t think it’s funny or scary or sad or whatever, then that will come across in the writing. If you are really into it and enjoying it, that will come across too, and is a MUCH better thing to have come across to a reader.


Jamie Brown is not rich coverJamie Brown is NOT Rich is an illustrated chapter book with an awesome hologram cover.

It’s a funny story about a really, really poor family who become really,  really rich, and have to learn to fit in to the new world they find themselves in.It’s available through bookstores or signed copies can be bought at www.adam-wallace-books.com

Adam also visits markets on the weekend and signs and sells Jamie Brown and his other books … info on where he’ll be each weekend is also at www.adam-wallace-books.com


Adam is right. Jamie Brown is NOT Rich does have an awesome cover – and it’s also very funny.

I liked Jamie because he doesn’t take himself  too seriously and even though he is very poor, he still manages to have a lot of fun.

Apart from having no money, Jamie is pretty content with things – and then a letter arrives from a long lost rich relative Barnaby Von Barnabus – and he is giving Jamie and his family a whole lot of money – and a posh house in Snootyville.

I love the funny bits Adam writes and draws to show Jamie trying to get used to living in a rich house with a lot of electrical appliances that he’s never even seen before.

Jamie is a character that readers will like because even when his situations changes, he doesn’t become snooty like the bullies at his new school.

There are funny black and white drawings on every page telling readers even more about Jamie and his new life.

There’s also plenty of action and a twist at the end to keep readers interested.

Jamie Brown is NOT Rich is published by Ford Street.

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Deborah Abela Shares Her Writing Tips

deb08_1_300dpiDeb knew she wanted to be a writer when she was 7 years old.  Her first story was about a man made out of cheese.  It wasn’t very good.

She trained as a teacher, travelled overseas where she slept beside alligators, was harassed by monkeys, was almost traded for a camel and was thrown in jail at gunpoint, twice. Strangely, her first writing job was for a kids’ show on channel Ten called “Cheez TV”.

After 7 years of writing scripts about everything from llamas to bungy jumping and how to go to the toilet in outer space, Deb wrote her first novel – Max Remy Superspy Part 1: In Search of the Time and Space Machine.There are 10 books about Max and her best friend Linden who travel the world as secret agents fighting bad guys.


My ‘cranky’ novel, Grimsdon, was inspired by governments around the world not taking enough care of the planet…it focuses on a group of kids left behind in a flooded city with sea monsters, flying machines and sneaker waves.

The sequel, New City, takes the issue of a climate-changed world further by asking what happens when wild weather drives people from their homes? This time, there are ornithopters, ice tornados, rescue eagles and a brand new bad guy.

DEB’S WRITING TIPSNew City cover smaller

After reading my novel Grimsdon, kids kept writing to me asking, ‘what happens next?’ and I’d write back saying, ‘Nothing, that’s the end of the book.’ But then I asked myself, I wonder what would happen if the story went further and the kids did have another adventure?

That’s how New City and most of my stories begin, with that simple question,. ‘I wonder what would happen if…’ so here are my top 5 tips:

  • Ask yourself ‘I wonder what would happen if….’
  • Write about things that excite you and maybe even make you cranky
  • Give yourself permission to write badly…it’s all practice for getting better
  • Write every day
  • Start now!


Here are a few places New City can be found:





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