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AUTHOR WRITING TIPS – Aleesah Darlison

AD_with LM and AR_lowresToday’s author is Aleesah Dariison. Aleesah currently has two new books out and she’s going to talk about how she wrote them.


Ash Rover wants to do something important with his life. When he discovers a phoenix egg, he gets his wish. But the magical bird brings trouble to Ash’s village. Soon Ash is not only the unlikely Keeper of the Phoenix, he is also on a desperate quest to save his family and friends. Can Ash rescue the village and break the evil wizard’s spell in time?

I wrote Ash Rover for pure enjoyment of the fantasy adventure genre. My three key ingredients are magic, mystery and humour. I really hope young readers relate to my main characters Ash, Taine and Rhyll. They’re gutsy, loyal, funny, tenacious and resourceful. Sometimes they’re scared. Sometimes they make mistakes. They’re far from perfect, but they’re always supportive of each other and try their best.


Always plan your work. Resist the temptation to jump in and start writing straight away. If you plan things first, you’ll have a far better idea of where your story is heading and you’ll avoid plotting dead ends.

  1. Ash_Rover_Book_1_Cover_RGB_low res_Jan14Reinvent, refresh, rewrite. If you’re writing in the fantasy genre using familiar mythical creatures, reinvent them to create fresh concepts. The brave knight doesn’t always have to fight the dragon. Sometimes they can become friends.
  2. Know your characters before you start, including their strengths and weaknesses because this will affect how they act and react in the situations you’re going to create for them.
  3. Visualise your world. Create maps of your fantasy world where your story takes place to keep track of everything and so readers can follow your hero on his quest.
  4. Write using all of the senses. Don’t just describe physical things that can be seen, but remember to include sensory descriptions of sound, smell, taste and touch.

Ash Rover can be found in all good bookstores. Title information on the Walker Books website at: http://goo.gl/zkMNiY.


littlemeerkatsmallLittle Meerkat is a humorous, lively and adventurous picture book aimed at 3-7 year olds. Although Little Meerkat is tiny, he has a big imagination. He’s also very brave. Perhaps a little too brave … which leads to all sorts of fun.

I wrote this story because I love meerkats. They’re so adorable and cute and funny. I wrote this book with the help of my son, Riley, because he loves meerkats too and he has lots of great ideas.

5 tips on how to write picture books

  1. Pick your feature animal. Select one that you find particularly interesting and out of this will come the idea for your character and possibly even their name.
  2. Research. Find out as much as you can about the animal you’re writing about. Read lots of non-fiction texts, search the internet for information, visit museums and zoos.
  3. Every story needs a problem. Combine your research with a dash of imagination to brainstorm ideas for the problem your character will have.
  4. Keep an eye on word count and story pacing. You don’t have many words to play with in a picture book, maybe 300 – 600 in total. You also don’t want too many words per page either. Editing comes in handy when trying to cut back on your word count!
  5. Introduce your character and their problem quickly. Drop your reader straight into the action then spend the remainder of the book having the character try to solve their problem.

PS: Happy endings are always recommended in a picture book for younger readers!

Little Meerkat can be found in all good bookstores or purchased online at Wombat Books: http://goo.gl/HcHSkn.


As a side note, Wombat Books is running their inaugural Illustration Challenge.

The publisher is seeking original illustrations from school-aged students to publish in a unique picture book by Aleesah Darlison.

The Challenge has been established to provide aspiring young illustrators with the opportunity to be published in a professionally produced children’s book and gain an introduction into the world of illustrating.

The book, titled Zoo Ball, is scheduled for release in early 2015.

Up to twenty winning illustrators will be published in the book and will also receive two free copies of the book and a $50 voucher. They will be acknowledged on the Wombat Books website as a rising illustrator and there may be opportunities for them to illustrate work in the future.

An outstanding illustrator will be given the exclusive opportunity to design the cover for the book and will win a cash prize of $200.

For more details visits: www.wombatbooks.com.au.


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TheSilverStrand_fullresLJ Clarkson is the author of The Silver Strand, an MG Fantasy Adventure for 9-12 year olds, The Silver Strand is Book 1 in the Mastermind Academy Series.


Ever since twelve year old Isabelle Tresdon’s silver strand of hair sprouted, it’s been nothing but trouble: bleeding pink dust and sparking like a firecracker.  Refusing to be known as the girl with the freaky, grandma hair, she wishes it never grew and the hair withers and tarnishes.

The only problem is, the strand is Isabelle’s source of magic, and she can transform particles of energy into matter. It’s also her ticket into Mastermind Academy, a secret school inside the earth’s core. Five days remain before the strand drains her magic and life, forcing Isabelle to enter into a deal with two trickster Masterminds to save it. But what she doesn’t count on is that there is more at stake than just her life.


I wrote The Silver Strand when I found my first grey hair (yikes!), and thought it would be cool to have a hair with magical powers as it’s really different.

Louisa Clarkson author picL J CLARKSON’S WRITING TIPS

1. Characters need to have strengths and weaknesses which affect their journey. Otherwise they’ll be too perfect and the reader can’t relate to them. For example, in The Silver Strand, my character Boldrick, who is a man trapped inside the body of a cat, has excellent animal senses and can sense a storm a mile away by the whistle of wind on his whiskers! But he has poor reflexes and crashes the flying machine!

2. A book doesn’t always need to have a bad guy. The problem(s) characters face create something for the character to remedy and conquer.

3. A story must have 3 acts. Act 1  – a beginning where you introduce the characters and their problem. Act 2 – a middle where the character tries to solve the problem but something happens and they fail. Act 3 – the end where the character’s problem is resolved.

4. The ending of a chapter should be left on a cliffhanger, like your character gets into a tight spot and can’t escape. This makes the reader want to continue reading.

5. If a character has magical powers, there must be a limit to their powers, otherwise they’ll be so invincible that no enemy can beat them, and that would just be boring zzzzz.


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