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Happy Book Day – Skadoodle and Snug’s Magnificent Plan

Skadoodle and Snug’s Magnificent Plan is written by Caroline Tuohey and illustrated by Karen Sagovac, and published by Larrikin House.


Caroline Tuohey is a children’s writer and poet whose main interest is picture books.  She has five published picture books in print with a sixth due out with Ford Street Publishing later in the year.  She has also been published in children’s literature magazines in Australia and Ireland as well as in anthologies and poetry sites online.  She enjoys holding story time sessions at libraries, schools and preschools and conducts workshops for both school students and adults.  Her other interest is bush poetry – which she writes and performs.  She lives on a farm in the Riverina region of New South Wales, with her husband, two children, several dogs and a horse or two.


Skadoodle & Snug’s Magnificent Plan is a rhyming picture book for 3-8 year olds published by Larrikin House

Skadoodle and Snug both resided in town,

one with Miss Willis, the other Joe Brown.

And each little dog loved their owner to bits,

but knew that the pairings were really the pits.

If only they could swap owners…. Share in the antics of what happens when a poodle and a pug take matters into their own hands (or paws).

This book came about because it’s based on two real dogs who were the best of friends but complete opposites.  One was happy to laze about on the couch, the other wanted to run around and chase rabbits.  I thought it would be fun to explore how they could get the perfect owner who matched their interests when it was obvious they weren’t a match with their current owners. 


  1. I wrote this very quickly to get the entire story down on paper.
  2. Subsequent drafts were mainly to tidy up the rhythm and ensure it rolled on from page to page in a logical (but funny) way.
  3. I chose to ignore the fact it went over 500 words.  I kept writing it until it was the right story.
  4. I took advice from an industry professional about what they felt was a gap in the plot and am glad I did – an extra verse to sort the gap made the story better (even though it added more words!)
  5. I had a very clear vision for the type of illustration and took the time to discuss this with the publisher to ensure we both had the same vision (which we did).


I have a website: www.carolinetuohey.com that includes a Shop section where the book can be purchased.  I also can be found on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/caroline.tuohey.  I’d be happy to share info about your blogs.  I am often at schools for workshops and have a list of various sites that keen writers and illustrators can head to for further information.

Congratulations Caroline and Karen on your new book.

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Happy Book Day – Boo Loves Books

Boo Loves Books is a gorgeous picture book for readers aged 3-6, written by Kaye Baillie, illustrated by Tracie Grimwood and published by New Frontier Books.

Kaye Baillie has a Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing which she began while still an Executive Assistant in a power supply company in Melbourne, Australia. Following her passion for picture books and storytelling, Kaye continued to work and study creative writing to achieve her goal of becoming a full-time children’s author. She is the author of Archie Appleby: The Terrible Case of the Creeps, (Wombat Books, Australia, 2017) and Message In A Sock (MidnightSun Publishing, Australia, 2018). Message In A Sock was shortlisted in the Western Australian Young Readers’ Book Award (2019) and also in the NSW Premier’s History Awards (2019).

Kaye has two educational books published with Cengage Learning and various short stories in children’s literary magazine, The School Magazine, Australia. She has four forthcoming picture books due in 2020/21.

She is an active member and the Assistant Co-ordinator of SCBWI Victoria, Australia and is a member of the Children’s Book Council of Australia. She is represented by Essie White of Storm Literary Agency who she met at the 2019 Sydney SCBWI Conference. She lives in Surf Coast Victoria with her family, two fluffy cats and a silly dog.


As a children’s author, I’m always looking for inspirational true stories to write about. Boo Loves Books is based on a news article about a Book Buddies program where primary school students read to homeless cats at the Animal Rescue League of Berks County, Pennsylvania. What captured my attention was the transformation of a boy who took part in the program.


Tracie Grimwood is a Melbourne based illustrator and artist. She has worked as a professional freelancer since graduating with a Bachelor of Graphic Design from Swinburne University, Melbourne, in 1991. She has produced illustrations for a diverse range of clients around the world from book and magazine publishers to advertising agencies, design studios and government departments.

She is known for work that is emotive and whimsical with a delicate, yet rich sense of colour and texture. In recent years she has developed her personal practice to further explore her connection with the natural world and her interest in anthropology and history, drawing on themes from myths and folk tales. Her painting technique references her illustration background as well as primitive and folk traditions. Her paintings and prints can be found in private collections around Australia, the US and UK.


Phoebe is not a confident reader and avoids it whenever she can. When her teacher, Miss Spinelli, organises a trip to the local animal rescue shelter, Phoebe is asked to read aloud to a dog, Big Boo. As if reading wasn’t hard enough already! After a scary start for Phoebe and the dog, she not only learns empathy but gains confidence and finds joy in her reading as well.

Download teacher’s notes and activities from New Frontier’s Website. http://d.site-cdn.net/916339b02a/a13ed7/boo-loves-books-teaching-notes.pdf


  1. My writing is always best when I write about something I care about. If I don’t enjoy spending time with my characters, then I know it’s not going to work.
  2. Most of my writing is inspired by true events or people. I enjoy doing the research.
  3. The story’s themes are varied and universal: anxiety, feeling left out, kindness, empathy, animals, books, reading, pet therapy, doing your best, sharing.
  4. I like that this story not only has important themes but is humorous as well.
  5. The illustrations are so attractive and relatable and provide another level to the story.


1.  I developed the main characters first.  The text gave me clues about each character’s personality so I tried to translate that into their appearance, their gestures and expressions, and even their hairstyles.  I then worked the skecthes up as colour samples.  This helped define the style for the rest of the book.

2.  I mapped out the whole book in thumbnail form to make sure the flow of the illustrations suited the narrative.

3.  I then focussed on the interactions between the characters.  It’s important to show the emotions of the characters and their relationships with each other.   Picture books don’t have a lot of text so the illustrations need to show what the text doesn’t tell.

4.  I then drew all of the rough sketches to scale, making sure space was left for the text.  You have to get this part right so that the characters are consistent on every page.  You can use tricks such as relative proportions where, for eg. a character might be three or four heads high.

5.  Then I painted all of the final illustrations in colour, again focussing on consistency.  This is one of the big challenges of illustrating picture books.  You have to be able to reproduce the characters doing all sorts of things at differnt sizes and from different angles.  It also helps to make colour swatches and to use the same base colours on your palette from which to mix your colours all the way through the book.



Twitter Kaye Baillie

Website Kaye Baillie

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kaye.baillie.5

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bailliekaye/?hl=en

Boo Loves Books will be available in all good bookshops including Torquay Books, Great Escape Books, Pictures and Pages, Readings and Dymocks. It is also available on Booktopia, Boomerang Books, Amazon.

Congratulations Kaye and Tracie on your beautiful new book!

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